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There are 11 Tips And Tricks Facebook Know What You May Not To Be Understood.

World Facebook there is no limit, more and more advanced development of social networking world number one this. I myself users up was 4 years, beginning-the beginning I knew up was not busy as now.

As long as I know up until now, there are a few tips and tricks that are interesting and cool that you guys might also not know about it and for those who already do not forget to comment: D. Here I will give to friends all the tips and tricks on it in detail.
  1. How To Know Who's blocking your Facebook
    1. Just yesterday I was asked my facebook friend, she ask me how do I let you know if I am blocked by my boyfriend or not. Then I answered FindFriends use only. Findfriends in European countries are already familiar to Facebook users, it is indeed a very nice tool and creative very different from the others so the point was quite helpful as my friend earlier. Let me not bored you guys listen to or read my writing directly to the scene better.
    2. How to Send Messages To Facebook by Time And Date That We Decide
    3. Sorry the title stands for, this is because let Fathers, mothers, brothers, and brothers who read this article I can understand what I mean. Okay, so I send a message to facebook by time and date that we will specify by using Sendible. Sendible will automatically send a message to our facebook friends with the time that we have set previously.
    4. How To Update Status Facebook Without Using Facebook
    5. Maybe you also have to know what I mean by the title above. So the bottom line by using this service we can link each other across social networking account that we have, for example, facebook, twitter, plurk, myspace, blogger, wordpress, and much more. With so many social networking account that we have, we would feel overwhelmed if the update status of our respective accounts that we had earlier. So the solution by using and, with both these facilities, we can link all your social networking accounts, including blog updates can also use these two facilities.
    6. How to Share Photos Flicker to Facebook
    7. You already know Flicker, yes ... flicker is one of the sites that aim to facilitate its users store their photographs and also can share or sharing to other friends flicker. But here I will introduce Flicker2Facebook, with this Flicker2Facebook Flicker us as users from sharing or exchanging with each other our photos to Facebook via Flicker2Facebook this. Curious just click here
    8. How To Download Albums Photos on Facebook
    9. FacePAD (Facebook Photo Downloader) is a few of the many applications that genre download photo facebook. With this FacePAD we can download up our friend's photo album, and not just a photo album up aja but Event Photographs that we want to download also we can take by using this FacePAD. Better to just try really sleepy loss.Note: This application is only for Firefox users
    10. How To Remove Ads On Facebook
    11. This trick is the most I like, hahaha: D. I've been using Facebook, one of which I do not like the ads the right side of every page. By using the script greasmonkey Facebook Cleaner can remove some ads or advertisement. Try it! you'll like.
    12. How to synchronize Photos From Friend up With Microsoft Outlook
    13. OutSync is a free application that can synchronize our facebook friends photos with Microsoft Outlock. With this application you can find updates the photos of our facebook friends directly. This application is a nice simple and easy to use.
    14. Featured Blog Postings How to Wall Jump up Automatically
    15. Sure of you who read my article was one of them this post, how do I view a blog post directly to the wall up automatically. The way is quite easy really, I also use it by using WordBook. By using this plugin can show Recent post from your blog to up the tab "boxes" or "box".
    16. How to Access the Facebook Chat Live On Desktop
    17. Some Facebook users have a passion for each, all there are no rules and restrictions so it's up and may be performed. This one is for you avid Facebook users to chat feature her up. Gabstatik and Digisby are 2 of several specific applications that are used for chatting up directly on the Desktop.
    18. How to Make up With Easy Application Quiz
    19. Surely you already know what a Facebook application. Lots of applications and games popping up in this number one social networking. Do you ever feel anxious to make his own facebook application? LOLapps answer is, yes ... with this LOLapps used to create your own facebook quizzes to make an application to be distributed to all facebook users around the world.
    20. How to Update Facebook Status By Mozilla Firefox
    21. FireStatus This is an application or add-on from Firefox, before you use it is required to download it first in

    This is my first posting. Do not forget his comments well let me know to fix it.
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    8 Responses to "There are 11 Tips And Tricks Facebook Know What You May Not To Be Understood."

    1. Anonymous says:

      great posting
      i like it
      thanks for share

    2. james says:

      Nice posting my friend..


    3. bisnis says:

      Ane mau coba penghapus iklan nya gan... Jemal liat iklan FB :p

    4. Wah, mantap nih...
      patut dicoba...

    5. aq dah berhasil ngapus iklan di pesbok it maknyus my friend

      thanks for share

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