So now lets assess the options
Ok so now we have those options assessed. Now say we have Physical access to the computer, I will only go briefly on this one because all of you little crazy 12 year old runescape addicts want to remotely send them.* Do I have physical access to this computer.(It's at your house or a friends)
* Does this prick have an Instant Messenger service.
* Does this person trust me, if not would it be hard to gain?
* Do I really want to learn the art of keylogging?
Physical Access Keylogging
* CLICK HEREOk, so now for the fun part.
* Download
* When you download set it up and make sure the file is somewhere you can remember
* Every day check the log file and I'm sure you will get the password you want.
* Finish reading my tut on keylogging you prick.
Remote Keylogging
* Numero uno (1) lol. Download THISAlright guys! Looks like you just learned how to keylog!
* Password is
* And now you have vicspy, now you go learn how to set up an FTP server. Its easy. I recommend thats what I always use for FTP. Ohh and if you use FireFox (if you don't then please off yourself.) you can use FileZilla for a FTP client.
* Now basically you just make the keylogger (self explanatory)
* Bind using the binder that it comes with
* Tell your friend on MSN or whatever, Hey look at this! and when he opens you have succesfully keylogged him. Now remember to set up your ftp before doing any of this, and when you set up your ftp, remember to put all of the stuff needed, as well as when you set up the keylogger. A little mistake could make it not work. We dont want that shit.
I'm sorry if there is anything in there that you don't understand just pm me or add the msn down under.
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